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2018 Austin Blues Society Awards!

On Friday, September 7th, the Austin Blues Society honored local blues artists at the 2018 Austin Blues Society Awards, held at C-Boy's Heart & Soul on the opening evening of the Eastside Kings Festival.

All of the nominees for this year's awards are deserving of accolades, and we congratulate them for their dedication to their craft, and for the gift of their music!

In the category of Best Artist, the nominees were:

  • Alan Haynes

  • Gene "Birdlegg" Pittman

  • Jackie Venson

  • Margaret Wright

  • "Soul Man" Sam Evans

The Best Artist winner was Alan Haynes!

In the category of Best Band, the nominees were:

  • The Dylan Bishop Band

  • Jabo and the Old Dogs

  • Miss Lavelle White and the L-Men

  • The Peacemakers

  • Soul Man Sam and the SMS Band

The Best Band winner was Soul Man Sam and the SMS Band!

In the category of Lifetime Achievement, the nominees were:

  • Alan Haynes

  • Margaret Wright

  • Matthew Robinson

  • Miss Lavelle White

  • WC Clark

The Lifetime Achievement winner was Miss Lavelle White!

The Board of Directors for the Austin Blues Society would like to thank:

The standing-room-only crowd was treated to performances by all of our award winners, along with special performances from Jewel Brown, Crystal Thomas, Super Chikan and Birdlegg!

Below, enjoy a gallery of photos from the event, courtesy of Lloyd Lawrence!


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