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Monthly Blues Jams

The Austin Blues Society holds open jams the fourth Monday of every month at Kenny Dorham's Backyard – only $5 cover (free for ABS members), and free for jammers! Each jam is hosted by one of our stellar Austin Blues Society member bands – come on out and join us for a great time!


If you haven't already joined the Austin Blues Society, click here to join today – and save the $5 cover charge!

We want everyone to have a great time at our jams, so for the enjoyment of all of our musicians and patrons, please observe the following guidelines:


  • The jam begins after the host band set, and is approximately 3 hours long. 

  • The jam generally concludes at midnight, but as guests of the Skylark Lounge, we follow cues from their management.

  • This is a blues jam, so please keep within the 12-bar blues framework.

  • You need to sign in on the sign-up sheet in person - this sheet is usually at the front or with the jam coordinator.

  • On the sign-up sheet, put down your first and last name, the instrument you play, and whether you sing.

  • If you want to play with specific people, make sure all of you show up at the same time and sign in at the same time, and indicate that you’re together on the sign-in sheet so the jam coordinator knows.

  • We do our best to keep to the order of sign-in, but this is not guaranteed. For example, if there are 10 guitarists and only 2 bass players, then we may need to adjust the order.

  • If you sign in late, and there are many folks ahead of you, we can’t promise you’ll get on stage - but we’ll do our best.

  • You need to be in the main room when your name is called, otherwise you may miss your opportunity to play.

  • Please make sure your instrument is tuned before going on stage.

  • The singer is responsible for leading the band, including indicating song keys and directing solos.

  • You’re allowed a total of 3 songs OR a maximum of 15 minutes playing time. The jam coordinator will intervene if you exceed these limits.

  • Please keep your volume at a reasonable level. If you're asked to turn down your volume, please comply, or you may be asked to step down.

  • When finished with your set, please clear the stage quickly for the next jammers.

  • Most importantly, be nice, make new friends and have fun!

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